
In the company Kamini Kočevar you can choose from a wide range of fireplaces and stoves, from modern to traditional, from minimalist to rustic, from such that will merge perfectly with the room, to such that will stand out as a contrasting peculiarity.

The company’s goal is to provide the contemporary user with the expected combination of functionality and comfort. They constantly strive for innovations, are driven by quality researches and progress made in the field of new technology and equipment development. The company wants to offer its customers environmental- friendly, energy-saving products with high-thermal effect and maximum value of use.

They managed to combine their tradesman abilities and up-to-date technology in a manufacturing process in which they use marble, steel, cast, wood and ceramic elements to invent progressive solutions for furnishing and heating apartments.

At Kamini Kočevar all options are open, you can choose among different sizes, shapes, functions and techniques, all put on display in the company showroom.

Website: http://www.kamini-kocevar.si/